Player Placement Factors

Summer Season Play - Players are being evaluated during the summer season. These evaluations are intended to keep each player and parent(s) updated on the current status. Following the summer season, each coach will then provide the Sporting Director with their final team ranking and evaluation for each player. Also, observations made by the Trainer Staff during the summer and winter training will also be taken into consideration when forming teams.

Team Expectations - Commitment to the team as it relates to attendance for both training and games during the entire competitive season. A player's involvement with outside activities will be assessed, and the staff will determine the best interest of the club and particular team for a player's potential involvement. For Premier and National League teams there is a higher standard of commitment and attendance expected.

Tryout Performance - Players will have the opportunity to play small-sided and full-sized games during the tryout session. Players will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Technical - dribbling, passing, receiving, etc.
  • Tactical - decision-making, vision, movement off the ball, etc.
  • Physical - speed, agility, strength, etc.
  • Psychological - competitiveness, aggressiveness, team player, etc.

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